In our commitment to sustainable investing, we firmly believe that ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) is not a trade-off but an integral component in creating enduring long-term value. The ESG perspective accompanies the entire portfolio-building process for each fund. The process is standardized to enhance the likelihood of generating divestment premiums based on sustainability components.

Our responsible investment process is built on methodologies and international guidelines developed by UN PRI, Invest Europe, IFC, and EBRD. It is embedded in procedural standards, guided by the updated 2024 “Innova Capital Responsible Investing Policy” and the “Innova Capital Partners’ Disclosure Statement,” specifically crafted for the new Innova/7 fund.

At fund and portfolio company level we insist on high ethical standards, giving us the practical benefit that it is a value driver for Central European businesses. Our robust but practical policy embodies Innova Capital’s fundamental values, while improving the performance of our companies. ESG procedures are included in all stages of the investment cycle, from the selection of a transaction and its assessment, through building the company’s value after completion of the investment.


Our Commitmens

At Innova Capital, we have implemented policies to establish guidelines for the integration and implementation of ESG matters within Innova and across our funds, aligning with the ESG strategy "Beyond Profit" and responsive to the expectations of our investors.

Report misconduct

Innova Capital is actively promoting a culture of reporting misconduct and irregularities by introducing a tailored whistleblowing system that guarantees confidentiality and full anonymity. All communications are secured through encryption, and access is limited to members of the Innova Ethics Committee.

Every submitted report undergoes thorough verification and analysis, contingent upon the information enabling an investigative process. Each report is deemed significant and will be carefully examined, with a prompt response provided.

If you encounter any irregularities, please feel free to report them using the following link:

Notify a problem